French has been using the word bromance for quite some time now, just borrowed it from English.
An article about the word La bromance: un léger parfum d’homophobie by a French journalist shows it is mainly associate to Anglos Saxon culture. So doe this other one: La bromance, qu’est-ce que c’est ? by a French writer.
Although it is used by journalists:
On nage en pleine bromance. Ce vendredi matin, Emmanuel Macron et Justin Trudeau se sont rencontrés pour la toute première fois dans un décor de rêve en Sicile. (20 minutes, 26/05/2017)
it hasn’t reached a lot of French dictionaries, I only found one occurrence in the Cordial online dictionary:
Définition de bromance
nom féminin singulier
Amitié forte entre deux hommes, sans composante sexuelle.
Bilingual dictionaries do not have it yet except Wordreference that translates it as amitié virile.
Not that French does not have portmanteau words. The Wikipedia entry for mot-valise tells us that:
Le mot-valise, appelé techniquement amalgame lexical, est connu depuis le XVIe siècle (Rabelais a par exemple créé le mot « sorbonnagre » en amalgamant « sorbonne » et « onagre »). De nombreux mots-valise sont entrés dans le langage courant, mais il est courant d’en créer de nouveaux par jeu (amalgames fantaisistes).
We can find lots of articles on the internet about mots-valises including that one, on the Cabinet des curiosités, often quoted on French Language.
Teachers like to have pupils work on them whether in primary school1, or secondary school2
If I had to create a mot-valise for "bromance", framitié would come spontaneously to my mind.
1. For example:
2. For example:
Edit for update
Running an ngram in 2001 shows an increase in the use of the word "bromance" in French.
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