It is a little too strong and colloquial, but an expression that cames to mind is:
péter les plombs (to freak)
Otherwise, you might say:
avoir le cerveau en surchauffe
Méninges is old fashioned and fondre isn’t very idiomatic when applied to the brain.
Here is how I would arrange your sentence:
Apprendre l’arabe m’obligeait à me creuser la tête comme une folle ! Mon cerveau n’était pas loin de la surchauffe…
To express something difficult for someone to understand I sometime use the sentence which means thinking a lot about something.
Se faire des noeuds au cerveau en étudiant l’arabe
The same idea can be conveyed this way too :
Se prendre la tête en étudiant l’arabe
With the sentence se creuser les méninges you get the idea, but the meaning is not pejorative
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