Le Wiktionnaire
Le Wiktionnaire allows for this kind of search. It may not be complete (especially, it does not always have a list of names composed with this ending) but it usually features at least some examples and it does say whether that ending is masculine or feminine.
For your examples:
- -age: https://fr.wiktionary.org/wiki/-age (masculine, missing a list of composites)
- -ade: https://fr.wiktionary.org/wiki/-ade (feminine)
Le Centre National de Ressources Textuelles et Lexicales
The CNRTL also proposes this kind of definitions, with seemingly more complete lists of names made from the suffixes. I am less familiar with it, but some others on this StackExchange will have much more knowledge about it.
Same examples:
Lexique.org provides an advanced search tool.
Searching for words ending with -age or -ade is done from that page that way:
and leads to this result.
In book form, you can use the Dictionnaire des rimes edited by Larousse.
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