Google is your friend, or better say it’s text-to-speech companion : Au As in Australia. gus With the famous non-English ü, close front rounded vowel [y]. tin As French matin, or teint. Louis As in Saint-Louis (Missouri), without pronouncing ...
Inbox : Source #1 des Questions & Réponses à tous les sujets Latest Articles
Pourquoi est-ce que l’on dit “je m’y sens obligé” et non “je m’en sens obligé”?
C’est une exception spécifique aux verbes forcer, obliger et contraindre (Le Bon usage, 14e ed., §908 a) 8°). Ces verbes ont la particularité qu’en conjugaison active, l’object indirect se construit avec à, mais sous forme de participe adjectif ou composé ...
Espérance vs espoir?
Espoir seems to be more focused, and more tangible. Espérance refers more to a state of mind, more like optimism. Espoir is widely used in French, as opposed to espérance which is a not-so-used word. ex. J’espère (j’ai l’espoir) que ...
What is the feminine of doctor (médecin)?
There is no feminine form of médecin to speak of. It is used both for men and women, even though it is a masculine noun. If necessary, one could say “une femme médecin“. The Office québécois de la langue française, ...
Past participle “rendu” being used as an adjective, but not directly applying to a noun nor using a copula? (“rendue à” meaning “when I went to”)
That’s indeed an ellipsis but, as far as I’m used to, not of quand je suis because the tense wouldn’t work, colliding with other meanings of être rendu. An less ambiguous alternative would be une fois: J’avais peur de tester ...