Yes, it is definitely an understatement: it means “I would REALLY like to do that, but I won’t/I can’t/I have a good reason not to”. Some examples I can think of: “Peux-tu venir chez moi demain soir ? -désolé, ce ...
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Posted in Languages
L’expression « ce n’est pas tombé dans les oreilles de sourdes », c’est une litote ?
Associations EditorsJe suppose qu’il s’agit de la suite de notre discussion dans ta précédente question. Tu as bien fait de poster une autre question, c’est plus pratique pour étendre la réponse qu’en commentaire ! Pour moi, il s’agit bien d’une litote. ...
Posted in Languages
“ça ne lui fera pas de mal” vs “ça lui fera du bien”: Which is stronger in meaning?
Associations Editors“ça lui fera du bien” is just an objective way to speak. That will be good for him. “ça ne lui fera pas de mal” has two meanings: Nothing to worry about. He can try it and that can eventually ...
Posted in Languages
Is the expression « Ça n’est pas pour me déplaire ! » an understatement?
Business EditorsThis is a litotes, which generally tones down the general meaning of the sentence. However, in this context (because of the “enfin” that means here “not too soon”, and the exclamation point) it is probably ironic, so the effect is ...