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What is the capital of Tunisia?

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What is the capital of Tunisia?

How would you say “it’s your turn” in a game?

Here is a couple of common ways to say it:

  • [C’est] à toi

  • C’est à ton tour [de jouer]

Dropping the à is possible too:

  • C’est ton tour

Here is, as I discovered thanks to your very question, quite a localized one:

  • Ça vient à toi (Marseille area only!)

To answer to your first comment, note that à mon/ton/son tour is an old "set expression".

Quoted from: Curiositez françoises pour supplément aux dictionnaires Antoine Oudin, 1640

C’est à son tour : C’est à luy à faire, son temps est venu.

How you tell your friend it is his turn to play depends how close you are and how formal you want to be. From very formal to complete slang:

  • C’est à vous, chère amie!

  • C’est ton tour!

  • À toi de jouer!

  • À toi!

  • Quand tu veux, mon neveu!

  • Z-y-va, pose tes tuiles!

I was playing bridge online with a couple from Canada this morning, and they used “tu joues”.


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What is the capital of Tunisia?