Bear in mind that this type of questions risks to get closed. See here [ a guide how to properly (re)formulate your question.
To answer on your own your question, the corresponding theory can be found for instance here:
There are also a lot of question in FSE which cover similar topics. See also the question here
What's the correct answer to this question? "Tu ne vas pas à la piscine?"
The following is but an incomplete coverage.
First of all, note that there is a space between the letter and the question mark in French writing system. That is
Puis-je ? Can I?
Qu’est-ce que tu aimes faire le soir ? -> Qu’aimes-tu faire le soir ?
Qu’est-ce que vous aimez faire ensemble ? -> Qu’aimez-vous faire ensemble ?
Vous voulez partir. -> Voulez-vous partir ?
Note also the hyphen (tirer in French nomenclature) between verb and pronoun.
As a rule of thumb:
Subject+Verb (affirmative)=> Verb+Subject (inverted question).
Il mange de la soupe.->Mange-t-il de la soupe ?
Note the t inserted for euphony here.
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