I think that this person is not very good at spelling. The correct form is:
Spelling shortcuts are common in textos/SMSs, and one that will require less characters seems to be quite welcome in general. So one could think assé could be a quicker way to spell assez, but it is likely not the case, because typing an accentuated letter on most touch-screen devices takes longer than typing two letters (hold the finger for a moment on the letter you want an accent on, then slide the finger to select the accent you want, then let go).
Most devices also have an auto-complete option that will let people choose assez, which again makes it quicker to type than assé.
Also, assez is common enough a word for someone to know its spelling, unless one actively wants to disregard it, for a stylistic purpose or other.
I haven’t really been exposed to assé, and I suspect it is rather rare, even in informal texts. It really doesn’t have much to promote itself: it is incorrect and longer to type, and it’s not even introducing a possible alternate pronunciation.
On the other hand, as pointed out in the comments below, one might expect AC as an abbreviation of assez in SMS.
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