The answer is very probably "no", but you should try to understand why.
I would not rely on Larousse’s definition but instead on the TLfi’s definition, which follows.
(TLFi) II. − Emploi absolu [Souvent avec compl. prép. avec]
A. − Reprendre des relations interrompues et, en partic., rétablir des liens d’amitié.
B. − Remettre en honneur.
In the translation suggested by the definition in the Larousse the particular usage considered is that in which "avec" figures. Of all definitions in the entry there is not one other than « II B. » that will make sense. What you are saying then is this.
- Il y a une partie dans la chanson « Cabin fever » qui remet à l’honneur une partie de l’une des chansons de « The Weekend ».
Meaning of this sentence in English
- There’s a part in the song “Cabin fever” which puts the spotlight on one of the songs of The Weekend.
This is clearly not the meaning of "to be reminiscent". So, cross translation shows that something is wrong. (Cross translation is a process that you might keep in mind, it is very useful.)
There is no problem if you stick to the verb "rappeler".
Other verbal forms: faire penser, évoque, (Harrap’s dictionary)
Non, ça ne marche pas.
Renouer suppose qu’il y avait un lien dans le passé et que ce lien s’est distendu ou a disparu.
Dans le cas de la chanson, il s’agit plutôt d’une référence, d’un clin d’œil ou d’un hommage.
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