Neither natif speaker of English nor of French. If I misunderstood your question I apologize. For me (based on my experience with learning French and German using English textbooks) is not so useful to learn literal translations (at least in the begining). I prefer to learn set expressions as they are, i.e. fixed. Example:
Je m’appelle Jean Dupont.
The one-to-one translation of this phrase is
I called myself Jean Dupont.
But I think is better to learn it as the equivalent of
My name is Jean Dupont.
Another example:
Faire la grasse matinée
Faire la grasse matinée literally means to have a fat morning. It actually means to sleep in:
J’ai trop bu hier soir, alors aujourd’hui, j’ai fait la grasse matinée.
I drank too much last night, so today I slept in.
Yet another:
Ça va ?
Literally: "it goes"; compare English how’s it going? or German wie geht’s?.
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