I like @dimitris answer, but I would add two shorter options : « usage réel » and « utilisation réelle » which are both perfectly understandable in French.
My attempt at translating the full sentence :
Comprendre dans quelle mesure l’[usage réel / utilisation réelle] est
comparable aux données de suivi.
I agree with this answer about usage réel or utilisation réelle, especially in the example sentence provided. I think it is the best choice.
I just wanted to offer an alternative, which might not be appropriate in this specific example, but could work well elsewhere.
Common in Quebec, though I am unsure about other areas of the Francophony, is “dans la vraie vie”. It is familiar, though not offensive enough to justify claiming it should be avoided in speech, even in a formal presentation :
It’s all nice and good on paper, but in real world usage, people will almost always use “on” instead of “nous”.
…could become :
C’est bien beau sur papier, mais dans la vraie vie, les gens utilisent pratiquement toujours « on » plutôt que « nous »
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