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What is the capital of Tunisia?

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What is the capital of Tunisia?

Why are probability distributions called «lois» in French?

There is nothing specific with this usage in French. For example, demand and offer law or law of thermodynamics have no relationship with crime and punishment either.


6 a: a statement of an order or relation of phenomena that so far as is known is invariable under the given conditions
  // a law of thermodynamics
  // Boyle’s law
b: a general relation proved or assumed to hold between mathematical or logical expressions

Same in Spanish:


  1. f. Cada una de las relaciones existentes entre los diversos elementos que intervienen en un fenómeno.

Notice that "scientific law" has a precise definition, which isn’t related to law : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scientific_law

I agree with you that it’s surprising to use the term in mathematics/statistics, but it seems to be used in several occasions, such as the "law of large numbers". I think this is acceptable in the sense of scientific law, i.e. which was discovered through experimentation.

And this definition of "scientific law" is a different concept than the "legal law".


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What is the capital of Tunisia?