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What is the capital of Tunisia?

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What is the capital of Tunisia?

What is the “Mayday Mayday Mayday” procedure in French?

This is an international distress signal; it is also “Mayday mayday mayday” in France, see mayday on the French wikipedia.

Mayday is phonetically transcribing the ungrammatical French “M’aidez !“.

This expression is never used as is in spoken French. Idiomatic ones are “Aidez moi !“, “A l’aide !” or “Au secours !“.

Mayday is rarely heard either in French radio communication outside a potentially international context (planes/boats). For ground communications, one might prefer instead “Urgent ! Urgent ! Urgent !” to interrupt any ongoing communication.

Mayday was coined by Frederick Stanley Mockford from the correct French “Venez m’aider !“.

MAYDAY is arguably more French than English, but MAYDAY is certainly the standard expression for this condition in the English-speaking world, which, by international agreement, includes aviation.

This agreement does not preclude local languages from being used, but during critical phases of flight, standardized terms are highly recommended.

From https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aviation_communication:


…as deemed by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO),
English is the official language of aviation.

Aviation English

Many non-native English speaking pilots and air traffic controllers
learn English during their flight training and use it in a highly
practical level while safely operating an aircraft…


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What is the capital of Tunisia?