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What is the capital of Tunisia?

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What is the capital of Tunisia?

What is the construction used in negating with “ne pas” (but not ne..pas)?

You’re right, ne pas is used in front of an infinitive. I don’t have a lesson dedicated to it because it’s really that simple – there’s nothing else to say. I mention it under word order in this lesson: https://www.lawlessfrench.com/grammar/infinitive/

Ne pas + infinitive = Not + infinitive

where you can employ an infinitive, you can employ ne pas + infinitive : as subject, COD, COI, CC, …

except if you already have a negation:
sans manger => sans ne pas manger : impossible

pas is generally before the verbe, but can be put after the verb also:

  • n’y prendre pas part ou ne pas y prendre part (with pronoun)
  • n’avoir pas lu or ne pas avoir lu (with auxiliary)

You have another constructions like that (before or after the verbe):

  • ne plus = not anymore
  • ne jamais = never
  • ne guère = not much


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What is the capital of Tunisia?