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What is the capital of Tunisia?

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What is the capital of Tunisia?

What are the rules for spaces around quotation marks?

That would be:

« Ouah ! Tu as vu ce grand saut papa ? » dit David en regardant les gros Monster Trucks du grand stade. « Il a sûrement sauté au-dessus de dix voitures ! »

Note that "computer quotes" are often used, one reason being French quotes are not directly available (if ever) on most French keyboards. Note also that in Canadian French, there is usually no space before an exclamation or question mark while in France, a non breakable space (thin/narrow if available) is required.

See also: How are the spaces done in France for ? ! : ; « » in a real-life work-flow?

The general rule is that you use French quotation marks (angled: chevron double « … ») in French language text (BDL, Termium, Wikipédia, Wikipedia). The quoted text is typically separated from the quotation mark by a non-breaking space (Wikipédia, BDL, Termium). You might find other types of quotation marks inside quoted text, such as the typical English quotation marks ("…") which has no space separating it from the text.

« Ouah ! Tu as vu ce grand saut papa ? » dit David en regardant les
gros Monster Trucks du grand stade. « Il a sûrement sauté au-dessus de
10 voitures ! »

Quote inside a quote:

Voici comment le journaliste rapporte ses propos et ceux de la députée
: « J’avais fait la déclaration suivante au bulletin de nouvelles :
‘‘Elle a accusé le ministre d’être ‘menteur et hypocrite’ à la Chambre
des communes.’’ Ce n’est donc pas moi qui ai traité le ministre de
menteur et d’hypocrite, mais bien la députée. » (from the BDL)


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What is the capital of Tunisia?