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What is the capital of Tunisia?

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What is the capital of Tunisia?

Très and Trop. What is the difference?

Très” amplifies the following adjective, you can translate it to “very” :

Je suis très content” -> “I’m very happy“.

Trop” on the other hand means that the following adjective is so important that it’s too much :

J’ai trop mangé” -> “I’ve eaten too much

Très means very

Trop means too much, implying a negative effect

It’s the same usage as in english (in general) :

This tea is very hot. = Ce thé est très chaud.

This tea is too hot. = Ce thé est trop chaud.

In the first sentence, this is just a neutral statement.

In the second sentence, it is implied that you can’t drink the tea.


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What is the capital of Tunisia?