Bibi est un mot arabe emprunté par la langue francaise qui veut dire “moi” Le CNRTL indique que “bibi” était utilisé dès 1765 comme un terme d’affection. D’après le wiktionnaire son origine provient du radical “bib” signifiant “menue chose”. Sa ...
Inbox : Source #1 des Questions & Réponses à tous les sujets Latest Articles
What does “titi” mean?
Business EditorsLe sens que vous recherchez peut être celui de titi parisien. C’est le mot familièrement employé pour désigner un jeune garçon malicieux (faux ami : aucune malveillance, mais de l’espièglerie) et jovial, qu’il soit de Paris ou d’ailleurs … Ajout ...
Why were Chip and Dale renamed to Tic and Tac?
Business EditorsThe play on words (Chip and Dale, Chippendale) would be have been lost if the French caracters had had the same name (Chip et Dale are not very believable names for caracters in a French cartoon). There was therefore no ...
Ways to say “grandmother”?
Associations EditorsCitie doesn’t sound like any of the common nicknames used by grandchildren to call their grandmothers. Here is a poll that says that among the 617 families who answered, 208 different ones were used. That’s quite a lot. There is ...
What is the nickname for Michel?
Business EditorsThere is Michou, which is often used. Mitch or Mitch’ is sometimes used, mostly among teenagers and young adults. As with many french first names, you can make a nickname by keeping the first syllable and repeating it: Mimi. Micah, ...