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What is the capital of Tunisia?

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What is the capital of Tunisia?

Société vs entreprise

I think the best way to translate a company in french would be to use une entreprise. This term is the most general one to describe a company in France.

Also, une société is a bit more specific than une entreprise. The first one is a juridical act in which two or more people accept in a contract to affect to a company some tools or skills in order to share the final profit or the resulting economy. It can also be used to describe the moral person created by this contract.

Une entreprise is just an economic and social notion which is encompassing most of the companies type.

But to be honest, you would be totally correct if you use any of those terms.

While entreprise and société are often used interchangeably despite not sharing the same definitions, it is not possible to provide a simple “best” translation.

Depending on how “company” is used in your web application, the translation might be société, entreprise or something else like employeur, raison sociale, and possibly other terms.

Most companies in France are ‘sociétés anonymes’ or ‘sociétés anonymes a responsabilité limitée’, so using ‘société’ is never wrong.

‘Entreprises’ produce goods or services and would not be used for such trades as lawyer practices or medical groups.

So it depends what your target market is.


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What is the capital of Tunisia?