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What is the capital of Tunisia?

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What is the capital of Tunisia?

“On” vs “nous” in spoken French

Do people prefer to use on in everyday speaking, even in formal situations?

On as a first person plural subject has almost replaced nous in everyday conversation but the more formal the context is, the more you’ll hear nous.

For example, if you are at a gathering and you say “Nous sommes si chanceux d’être ici”. Would that express more formality than using on est?

Yes, that would express more formality although not excessive formality. Nobody will frown upon you if you say this.

Note that the on/nous dilemma is a recurrent topic here. Have a look to these questions:

Spécificités de l'utilisation de « on »

"Nous" versus "on" in a thesis?

"Nous on sera les bons"

Pourquoi utilise-t-on « on » au lieu de « nous » ?

Dois-je utiliser « on » ou « nous » ?

« On » remplace « nous » : quel nom pour ce processus ?


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What is the capital of Tunisia?