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What is the capital of Tunisia?

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What is the capital of Tunisia?

Is there a French equivalent of “on a Kick”?

An equivalent is "être mordu" (mad on, crazy about), also colloquial.

If a complement must be used the preposition is "de".

  • Il est mordu de cinéma. (adjective)

  • (variant) C’est un mordu de/du cinéma. (nom)

Depending on the context, one could be on a health kick, une mode santé.

To get your kicks is s’amuser and its synonyms.

Moreover, to be hooked on something (including drugs, not so healthy) or idiomatically on a ____ kick is

être accro from accroché

(Familier) Qui se rapporte à une personne qui est passionnée par quelqu’un ou par quelque chose.

That which relates to someone with a passion for someone or something, "getting a kick out of it."

Elles sont toutes accros à ce nouvel acteur.

They are all crazy about this new actor. They’re all on a Léo Legrand kick.

Il est complètement accro de ce nouvel album de BD.

He is so into this new comic book. He’s really on a comic book kick with this new one.

You can use the word marotte, which points to a sudden and invasive passion for something:

Il s’est mis à la philatélie, et c’est devenu sa marotte, il ne parle plus que de cela.

The noun kif (from the verb kiffer) is slowly moving from suburban to mainstream slang:

Il a un nouveau kif !


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What is the capital of Tunisia?