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What is the capital of Tunisia?

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What is the capital of Tunisia?

Is pas and non plus separated in dual verb constructions?

Both of your suggestions are acceptable and used although their meaning might be slightly different depending on the context.

Je ne peux pas non plus travailler ici.

"I can’t work here like I can’t do something else I just talk about" (e.g.: Il y a trop de bruit, je n’arrive pas à dormir. Je ne peux pas non plus travailler ici) or "Like you/someone else, I can’t work here."

Je ne peux pas travailler ici non plus.

For some reason, I can’t work here just like I can’t work elsewhere. (e.g.: Je n’ai pas le permis requis, Je ne peux pas travailler ici non plus.) or "Like you/someone else, I can’t work here" (same as above.)

I’d probably say it another way to make clear what I mean:

Ici non plus, je (ne) peux pas travailler.


Moi non plus, je (ne) peux pas travailler ici.


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What is the capital of Tunisia?