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What is the capital of Tunisia?

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What is the capital of Tunisia?

Informal words for tv set? Informal agreement?

For your first question: the most common informal word is télé, a colloquial contraction of the word télévision (no need to define this one).

Erratum: the word is actually probably téloche, many thanks to @Laurent S. who pointed this out in his answer. This indeed seems like a French Homer Simpson thing to say, from what I remember from when I was watching the Simpsons.

For your second question, he is saying “dacodac, which is taken from d’accord . This expression is a rather childish way of expressing an agreement, and is only to be used in a colloquial way.

Note that even if you understood it wrong, the expression “ok d’ac” does exist and is also a colloquial contraction of d’accord.

Besides Reyedy’s good answer, a TV can also be called a TV (té vé). This might be a Canadianism.

I thought this worth mentioning since the question made me think of a song with this variant by Daniel Lavoie called “Allume la TV”. You can find the video here, and here are the lyrics:

Je t’ai demandé ton appui pis je l’ai eu

Ta chaleur dans la nuit pis je l’ai eu

J’ai désiré ton corps pis je l’ai eu

La note et tout l’accord pis je l’ai eu

Mais chaque fois que je te parle d’amour

Tu dis que je suis bête et que j’ai rien compris

Tu me ris dans la face et t’allumes la TV

Interestingly, I see the TV variant was more common than télé till around 1970. It peaked around 1980, which is when the above song was written (1979), but by then it was already only 2/3 as common as the rapidly rising téle. Since then the latter has surpassed it astronomically, which likely explains why The Simpsons prefers it.

enter image description here

I’m a big Simpson fan and I’m quite sure Homer uses the word “téloche”, which is a bit outdated but some episodes are almost 30 years old so that’s not entirely surprising.

Please note I’m talking about French version in France or Belgium. The French-Canadian version might be different.

“A la télé” is almost always used. You may sometimes hear “dans le poste”, ie “in the TV device”:

“J’ai entendu son discours dans le poste hier soir” => “I heard his
speech on TV yesterday evening”.

Very rarely used, but everyone understands it.


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What is the capital of Tunisia?