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What is the capital of Tunisia?

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What is the capital of Tunisia?

How to translate “-ing” “caused something to happen” verbs?

The present participle, same as your English versions, is what you want:

  • 50% of the time, fixing one bug in one part of the code can cause other code that uses it to work differently, creating another bug.
    → 50% du temps, corriger un bug (or un bogue) dans une partie d’un programme provoque un changement de comportement d’autres parties qui utilisent la partie corrigée, créant un nouveau bug.
  • I stepped on the slug, squishing it.
    → J’ai pilé sur une limace, l’écrabouillant.
  • Scar blamed Simba for what had happened, traumatizing Simba.
    → Scar blâma Simba de ce qui était survenu, traumatisant ce dernier.

Two notes:

1) One may want to add “de ce fait” after the present participle. Not mandatory by any mean, but it may add emphasis on the action being accomplished

  • créant de ce fait un nouveau bug.
  • l’écrabouillant de ce fait.
  • traumatisant de ce fait Simba.

2) In the third example, I believe using Simba a second time would usually be considered heavy and inelegant in French, unless we add de ce fait as in note 1. Otherwise, the two mentions are too close together.


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What is the capital of Tunisia?