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What is the capital of Tunisia?

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What is the capital of Tunisia?

How to say “no connection” or “connection is offline” in French?

It is possible to say “pas de connexion” but not “connexion est déconnecté”. it would be more appropriate to say “rupture de la connexion d’internet” for the second one.

Pas de connexion is correct. You could also say Aucune connexion.

For “Connection is offline”, what optimal control said is right. You could also say La connexion est inactive or La connexion n’est pas établie, depending on context.

«Débranché» is a word I have heard used often in this context. This cited usage refers more to electrical connections, but I see it used often in sysadmin circles to refer to internet connections. For example here as débranchement or, here as débrancher:

Voir un rm -rf / s’exécuter au moment de débrancher le réseau du système n’est pas vraiment très drôle

No connection→Pas de connexion.
Offline→Hors ligne.

ISO and IEC use autonome, hors ligne, non connecté or en différé depending on the context.


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What is the capital of Tunisia?