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What is the capital of Tunisia?

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What is the capital of Tunisia?

How to say “I would have to do that” in this sentence?

No, that’s much too literal. Your English is a bit unclear – did you mean “… that I would have to do that” or “… that I would have had to do that”?

Would have to: Je ne pensais pas que je devrais faire cela.

Would have had to: Je n’avais pas pensé que j’aurais dû faire cela.

I’m pretty sure the best way to say it would be :

Je ne pensais pas que j’avais à faire ça.

I’m French and it seems to me the best translation would be “Je ne pensais pas que j’aurais à faire ça” (“cela” is rather used for written French).

je serais du avoir à faire cela: est totalement incorrect. Devoir a pour auxiliaire avoir => j’aurais dû.


Je ne pensais pas que j’aurais à faire cela. (futur dans le passé : conditionnel)


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What is the capital of Tunisia?