I would personally try to avoid referring to people by the colour of their skin. That alone can be considered a bit rude both in French and English. The basic “non-offensive” way would be to use the colour for black/white and the region for others (noirs, blancs, latinos, asiatiques). It would still be better to call people by their nationality but I understand that is not always possible.
As for offensive ways to call these people : nègre would be horrible obviously. For latinos, none come to mind and for asians some people will call them “yellow” (jaune) which is highly offensive.
From what I have seen so far, French does not differ so much from English on the description of races if you know the literal translations.
There are offensive term for various groups (i.e. Jews, Brits, Germans, North Africans, probably Eastern Europeans…), but I’m not familiar with European terms besides rital (Italian), which I’m pretty sure is offensive. Generally, Alexandre’s comment is sound.
On this side of the Atlantic (I’m from Quebec), a recent pejorative term has arisen to describe visible minorities (though these days it’s most often leveled at the various Muslim ethnic groups): ethnique, used as a noun.
You have to know, that, in the official French doctrine (in metropolitan France), there are no races, and skin colours should be officially ignored. I’d avoid referring to races and skin colours in Metropolitan France when it’s not related to the topic of the current conversation.
Asians (Chinese, Vietnamese, Thai, Japanese etc looking people) can be referred to as "de type asiatique" (something I would avoid if I’m addressing these people). You can also say "de type Vietnamien/Coréen/Chinois" if you can tell for sure.
North-Africans are often referred to as "Arabes" or "Maghrébins" (I avoid using "Maghrébin" when talking to an Arab because it is implying he or she is an Algerian, a Tunisian, or a Moroccan citizen). The police uses the expression "de type Nord-Africain".
Using "verlan" crypto-slang (obtained by mixing the syllables of a word) is often considered correct in informal speech, for example among youngsters: Arab = arabe -> Beur/Rebeu , Black = Noir -> renoi. I wouldn’t use it, but it isn’t considered offensive on the street or among friends or young people. Some people use the word "Black" to avoid saying "noir".
We don’t really use any word for Hispanic people, as they are basically whites (sometimes one can say "de type sud-américain").
Sometimes you can hear old people talking about Nègres and Négresses in a non-offensive way (until WWII it was the main word). Some African intellectuals in the 1970s around Senghor used it extensively in the context of the "Négritude" movement.
As far as I know, in the French Antilles, it’s not offensive to talk about someone being a Métis, Mulâtre, Quarteron, Béké (White Creoles, stereotyped as rich and inbred), etc. But it is a very specific social context.
Rital is highly offensive in French, like negro, rebeu, jaune, espingouin, portos. I think the best way is to refer to the nation of origin : mes amis laotiens, ma femme russe, mon collègue tunisien…
A difficulty in answering this question is that the French perspective on race is quite different from the North American perspective; in particular, referring to someone by their skin color (as opposed to their nationality, or their national origin) is generally more offensive, or at least less politically acceptable, in France than in North America — even when the reference is purely descriptive. The more politically correct terms tend to veer towards national origin or ethnicity rather than skin color.
For this reason, terms that might be considered simply descriptive of skin color in North America may be considered more offensive in a similar context in France.
This is a particularly acute problem to describe “whites” in France — to my knowledge, there is no widely accepted politically correct term for it.
With that said —
Descriptive: noir, à la peau noire, de teint noir, mélanoderme (technical term to mean having black skin, not used very much)
Politically correct:
for Africans: d’origine africaine, d’origine sub-saharienne
for African-Americans: noir américain
for Afro-Caribbeans: countries are used, e.g. haïtien, dominicain, jamaïcain, cubain, etc.; or (for DOM), guadeloupéen, martiniquais.
Slang: renoi, black, kebla
Offensive: nègre, blackos
North African
This group is more present in France than in the US and has therefore more terms to describe it.
Descriptive: de teint mat, de peau mate, de teint olive (this just describes skin color, and may cover other ethnicities as well).
Politically correct: d’origine maghrébine, d’origine nord-africaine
Common: arabe (even if many are from the non-Arabic berber people), oriental (even if most people from North African origin in France come from places that aren’t particularly much to the East of France).
Slang: rebeu, blédard
Offensive: bougnoule
East Asian
Descriptive: asiatique, xanthoderme (technical, not used much)
Politically correct: d’origine asiatique
Offensive: jaune, niakoué, chintok
Descriptive: blanc, de teint blanc, de peau blanche, leucoderme (technical, not used much)
Politically correct: as mentioned above, there isn’t really a good word here. You kind of have to choose who to offend. For a while, de souche européenne was used for this, and shortened to français de souche, but has become associated with far-right nationalism. In the other direction, the derivative souchien was created, and is understood as pejorative for whites when read as sous-chien.
It may be easier to describe non-whites. A euphemism for this is issu de l’immigration, even if many immigrants to France are whites and many non-whites have been French for many generations (e.g. martiniquais, guadeloupéens). Another euphemism for non-whites is issu d’une minorité visible.
Slang: babtou, toubab, gaulois
Offensive: fromage, jambon, sous-chien
You can use ‘de couleur’ in the same manner as we say ‘of colour’ in English. It’s used in the cosmetics industry for non-white women.
Blacks are considered African in France , whites are French or european , brown people consider Romani my friend is brown always mistaken for Romani
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