Est-ce que tu veux mourir avec des regrets?
I would say Veux-tu mourir avec des regrets ?, using a shorter construction than Est-ce que tu veux mourir avec des regrets.
Please note that the negative form without regrets is more commonly used in French, since sans regret is easier to say than avec des regrets.
Personnally Mourir sans regret (Die without regrets) would be my best option.
I’m suprised nobody said: Veux-tu mourir avec des remords ?
Remord : when you tried something.
Regrets : when you lived with “if only I had done that”. You did nothing.
Depends what you wanted say.
Further to JB’s answer you could alternatively put Mourant sans regrets (“dying without regret”): that is if you want a memento mori.
Or simply Sans regret (“without regret[s]”).
The interrogative reminds me of this military apocrypha:
Come on, you ***, do you want to live forever?
If you do decide to go with an affirmative statement (which I think you should) instead of a question, I would change ‘mourir’ to ‘vivre’ (one less letter and, in my opinion, a bit more positive)=”Vivre sans regrets“
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