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What is the capital of Tunisia?

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What is the capital of Tunisia?

Génitif de l’anglais en français

There is a problem with your sentence (Are you the one that made it up?); there are in English 3 forms of the present tense, which I list in the following, each with an example or more;

  • state present

The sun rises always in the East. This writer puts too much emphasis on his statements. Apples are a delicious fruit.

  • historic present

She begins her carreer in 1982; after a few professional mistakes, fate smiles at her and she begins climbing up the ladder, but not for long as she becomes ill.

  • present of narration

Wilbert catches Heinrich by the waist…Heinrich falls…gets back on his feet, deals Wilbert a side kick, Wilbert falls, he is hurt…

Obviously, your sentence makes use of the state present, and as such either it is flawed or there is a semantic flaw in the translation.

  1. It is flawed if you consider the translation right, in other words if you consider that the translation is what you want to say, that is that something is being suggested; the rendering of your French sentence is then as follows, there is not the possibility of an other tense: in particular, the state present does not fit the case;

Do not suggest that the author should include citations from your (or your associates’) work.

However the French sentence would have been somewhat better formulated as “Ne suggérer pas que l’auteur doive inclure des citations de vos travaux (ou de ceux de vos collaborateurs).

  1. If you consider that the English sentence is right, then you cannot have the French translation you come up with; the meaning of it is a possible one but it asks for a far fetched context: you suggest the possibility that someone could be including citations. However what it seems plain you want to express is as follows;

N’insinuez pas que l’auteur inclue/incluerait des citations de vos travaux (ou de ceux de vos collaborateurs).

There is a great enough difference between to suggest” and “to insinuate”.

As to what concerns the possessive case it is well translated and there is no other, more compact means of putting it.


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What is the capital of Tunisia?