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What is the capital of Tunisia?

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What is the capital of Tunisia?

“faire un cours” for “take a class”?

When you say “j’ai fait un cours” we can understand that you were the teacher.
I think “suivre” is the best option.

You can say : “j’ai eu des cours de français l’année dernière”

Or : “J’ai assisté à des cours de français l’année dernière”

But “J’ai suivi des cours de français” is better because it seems that you were more involve.

I would say the most idiomatic translation is “J’ai suivi un cours de français l’année dernière”.

“Suivre des cours” (note the plural) can be used both for a one or two hour class lesson or for a semester long class (shorter or longer period of time as well)

Note that “prendre un cours” has the meaning “to take notes on a copybook”.

I might as well add “Reprendre un cours” is used when you were absent from a class or you didn’t have time to take all notes, so you borrow your classmate’s notebook to copy out.


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What is the capital of Tunisia?