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What is the capital of Tunisia?

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What is the capital of Tunisia?

Accorder les verbes pronominaux dans les temps passé s

— sorry about my language —-

It’s correct : Il s’était octroyé – quoi – ? The COD is before so you must agree

Ils se sont octroyé – quoi – ? une semaine de repos COD = after so you must agree

L’accord du passé composé with these verbs is one of the most complicated thing in French language and even natives always make mistakes!

Here is a little recap:

  • Elle s’est lavée -> sens réfléchi, she took her own shower, so accord

  • Elle s’est lavé les mains -> There is a COD after the verb so no accord

  • Les mains qu’elle s’est lavées -> the COD is placed before so accord with COD

For the verbs with a sens réciproque, you also have to take into account the construction of the verb, if it is direct or with a preposition:

  • Ils se sont regardés -> "regarder qqun", no preposition, so accord

  • Ils se sont parlé -> "parler à qqun", verb wih preposition, so no accord


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What is the capital of Tunisia?